Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Scientific Me - Reflection.

What can I say?  This has been an incredible semester filled with a lot of work. Science  is more than just a subject. Calling Science a subject is an injustice. Science is state of being.

What I mean by that is this: Science in the classroom is an experience. This semester, we learned firsthand teaching the 5 E's of teaching. In order for a lesson to be more than just a lesson, it needs the 5 E's to be incorporated.

When you incorporate, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate, you take and ordinary lesson and make it extraordinary. I  learned this firsthand this semester teaching Science and Social Studies for my other course.
Lessons take an interesting twist where students are engaged, listening, actively answering questions. It's a beautiful sight to see and empowering to experience it firsthand not only for myself, but for my fellow student teachers as well. I cannot thank our host cooperative teacher enough for volunteering her personal time to help and guide us through this semester. Finally, this reflection would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of Dr. Smirnova.  Thank you for the learning experience and helping me to grow.  :)

- MW

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